Latest news
- Case study published by European Schoolnet 4. March 2020
- Visit from South Korea 2. February 2020
- Cadenas AG reports about the edu.lab 18. March 2019
- edu.lab officially admitted to the FCL network 26. February 2019
- Carl Zeiss AG supports the edu.lab with VR glasses 1. February 2019
Author: wp_admin
Case study published by European Schoolnet
The European Schoolnet EUN has published a case study about the learning laboratory at the Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium in Augsburg as part of the current recommendations for school administrators and teachers to…
Visit from South Korea
Students of EWHA Womans University in South Korea doing a project about ‘Future Classroom in Korea’ visited edu.alb at Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium in Augsburg. Many educators in South Korea recognize the importance…
Cadenas AG reports about the edu.lab
Our sponsor, Cadenas AG, currently reports about the activities around the edu.lab on the company homepage and in their customer magazine.
edu.lab officially admitted to the FCL network
The edu.lab at the Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg was the first “school-based learning lab” in Germany to be included in the network of EU-wide learning labs modeled on the Future Classroom Lab.…
Carl Zeiss AG supports the edu.lab with VR glasses
Carl Zeiss AG supports learning with virtual and augmented reality in the edu.lab at the Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium with 60 ZEISS VR ONE Plus glasses (more than € 3,000) and free access…
grand opening video
In the meantime you can find some impressions of the grand edu.lab opening : Direct link to youtube.
“Teaching and learning with digital media” conference at edu.lab
Press release MINT-EC Excellence Initiative of MINT-EC at high schools in Bavaria: teaching and learning with digital media Working group starts on 16 and 17 October in Augsburg Berlin /…
Opening edu.lab on September 14th
On September 14th, 2018, the grand opening of the new multimedia room edu.lab took place at the Jakob Fugger Gymnasium Augsburg. All supporters and friends of the Jakob Fugger Gymnasium…